The Great Rhode Island Challah Bake is going pink this year


That’s right – to raise awareness of breast cancer, organizers of the annual challah bake have turned this year’s event pink. On Jan. 23, from 6 to 7 p.m., there will be BRCA screenings, educational resources and breast cancer survivors offering their stories, along with food and beverages, at the bake at Temple Emanu-El, in Providence. At 7 p.m., challah preparation will begin.

According to Elissa Felder, of Core Connects R.I., organizer of the event, pink challah bakes are associated with the Shabbat Project, which encourages Jews across the globe to observe one Shabbat together. They are offered in cities across the U.S. where the challah bakes are “smaller,” including Portland, Oregon, and Atlanta. Providence’s challah bake is the 20th pink bake. There are seats for 200 women and girls.

Most of the challah bakes took place during the Shabbat Project, which was held in November. But the more than a dozen groups sponsoring this one decided to wait until January. Past events have sold out, attracting women and girls from all streams of Judaism to learn about the mitzvah of baking challah.

Participants will learn about challah, and mix and shape two loaves to take home and bake. There will be dancing and socializing along with the challah preparation.

Felder encourages those interested to register early and to attend whether or not you are in need of screening. She’s looking forward to a wonderful evening.

The Great R.I. Pink Challah Bake takes place Thursday, Jan. 23, at Temple Emanu-El, 99 Taft Ave., Providence. Reception and BRCA testing from 6 to 7 p.m. Challah bake begins at 7 p.m. The cost is $36; under 18 is $18. For more information, go to or call 401-241-9631. To register, . If you are going to be screened, bring your insurance card.

FRAN OSTENDORF is the editor of Jewish Rhode Island.

Challah Bake, Shabbat Project, Shabbos Project, Core Connect RI